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Thanks for your interest in advertising and promoting on, We are Africa’s fast rising innovative and entertainment website, visited by thousands of young/youthful male & female Users all over the World, especially Nigeria.

Since its creation in 2021 until the end of 2023, has had over 2,000,000+ Page Views, 300,000+ Blog Users and 14,000+ WhatsApp Contacts. Below is an image of our 2021 - 2023 Blog Stats and Analytics;

Users by Country; Nigeria, South Africa, India, USA, Ghana, UK, Netherlands, Philippines, Norway, Pakistan and others. Users by Operating System; 50% Andriod, 35% iPhone/iOS and 15% Laptop/Desktop. Email us for a desired stat and analytic report.

We accept different types of Advert placement, sizes and formats like; banner, gif, image, text, link, video, article and sponsored posts. Your business, brand or music can be posted/advertised anywhere on our Website that is suitable for the right and positive engagement.