Martin revolves around Lt. Brigadier Arjun Saxena, whose journey takes him from Pakistan to India to discover his real identity and fight against black market dealers, who are involved with terrorists to orchestrate massive attacks in the country.
•• Movie Name: Martin
•• Runtime: 2 Hours, 24 Minutes
•• Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
•• Cast: Dhruva Sarja, Vaibhavi Shandilya, Sriram Reddy Polasane, Nikitin Dheer, Anveshi Jain, Chikkanna, Achyuth Kumar, Malavika Avinash, Girija Lokesh, Nawab Shah, Sadhu Kokila, Giorgia Andriani, Sukrutha Wagle, Rohit Pathak, Akshay Punse, Aarash Shah, Prathap Narayanan, Vajrang Shetty, Daniel Caltagirone, Nathan Jones, Rubiel Mosquera, Vinay Gowda, Kavya Shasthri, MK Matta, Sidlingu Sridhar, Sandeep Neenasam, Telina Mahima & more…
•• Release Date: October 11, 2024
•• Country of Origin: India
•• Language: Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam — Indian
•• Filming Location: India
•• LulaCloud: Where to Download, English Subtitle, MKV, DOWNLOAD
•• Plex TV: Where to Watch, Stream Movie
•• IMDB: Cast, Crew, Photos, Videos, Reviews and Ratings - 2.6/10
•• TheMovieDB: Writers, Directors, Producers, Production Companies and Movie Info
•• YouTube: Where to Watch the Official Movie Trailer