The story of Bruno Sulak, a notorious real-life French criminal known for his non-violent heists on multiple jewelry stores in the 1980s. Sulak managed to escape from prison several times in order to reunite with his lover and accomplice, becoming public enemy number one in the process.
•• Movie Name: Freedom / Libre
•• Runtime: 1 Hour, 50 Minutes
•• Genre: Action, Biography, Crime, Drama, Romance, Mystery, Thriller
•• Cast: Lucas Bravo, Mélanie Laurent, Yvan Attal, Radivoje Bukvic, David Ayala, Slimane Dazi, Jesse Guttridge, Léa Luce Busato, Simon Royer, Steve Tientcheu, David Murgia, Jean-Philippe Ricci, Léo Chalié, Christophe Kourotchkine, Alexandros Giannou, Gaël Kamilindi, Adrien Stoclet, Emmanuelle Lepoutre, Axelle Simon, Morgan Perez, Fanny Ami, Serpentine Teyssier, Claudia Nen Mbocka, Régis Fortino, Gilles Guérin, Constance Chaperon, Ahmed Hammadi Chassin, Mexianu Medenou, Benjamin Constans, Alain Chalumeau, Arnaud Guy, Basile Lacoeuilhe, Pascale Oudot, Yvon Besson & more…
•• Release Date: November 1, 2024
•• Country of Origin: France
•• Language: French, English (Dual Audio)
•• Filming Location: France
•• LulaCloud: Where to Download, English Subtitle, MKV, DOWNLOAD
•• Prime Video: Where to Watch, Stream Movie
•• IMDB: Cast, Crew, Photos, Videos, Reviews and Ratings
•• TheMovieDB: Writers, Directors, Producers, Production Companies and Movie Info
•• YouTube: Where to Watch the Official Movie Trailer