In the aftermath of the devastating Mermaid Wars, the fractured, yet once great city of Iliad is under siege by dark forces. The infamous Goblin Hunter and the elite assassin, Atticus, must fight enemies both living and dead, in a desperate final bid to restore peace.
•• Movie Name: Assassin's Guild
•• Runtime: 1 Hour, 43 Minutes
•• Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
•• Cast: Chris Ayre, Jarreau Benjamin, Stuart Brennan, Daniel Bruce, Kelsey Cooke, Steven Elliot, Ryan Gage, David Hayman, Kara Lily Hayworth, Jack Hewitt, Genna Loskutnikov, Anthony Lund, Mark Lyminster, Sydney Martin, Laura Masters, Lulu McClatchy, Brooke McCloy, Charleen Meredith, Rosanna Miles, Mushi Noor, Kerry Norton, Emma Overend, Tina Louise Owens, Harry Paterson, Anna Payne, Peter Revel-Walsh, Nig Richards, Cellan Scott, Jamie Sefton, Dave Simon, Amy Tara, Sarina Taylor, Mark Paul Wake, PB Ware, Scott Wright, Melanie Zaft & more…
•• Release Date: April 19, 2024
•• Country of Origin: United Kingdom
•• Language: English
•• Filming Location: Wrexham, Wales, UK
•• LulaCloud: Where to Download, English Subtitle, MP4, DOWNLOAD
•• KaleidoscopeFilm: Where to Watch, In Theaters, Buy, Stream Movie
•• IMDB: Cast, Crew, Photos, Videos, Reviews and Ratings - 5.6/10
•• Plex TV: Writers, Directors, Producers, Production Companies and Movie Info
•• YouTube: Where to Watch the Official Movie Trailer