Lost in a world reclaimed by nature and overrun by mysterious creatures, Ethan (Douglas Smith), a young man with amnesia navigates the dangerous landscape in search of his lost love Emma (Kimberly-Sue Murray). His journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Mae (Carrie-Anne Moss), a hardened and eccentric survivor. Together, Ethan and Mae face threats both human and otherwise before a fateful encounter with Kai (Frank Grillo) unravels a secret that lies just beyond Ethan’s fractured memory.
•• Movie Name: Die Alone
•• Runtime: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
•• Genre: Horror, Thriller — Mystery
•• Cast: Frank Grillo, Carrie-Anne Moss, Douglas Smith, Kimberly-Sue Murray, Jonathan Cherry, Steven Roy, Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat, Amy Matysio, Sari Mercer, Leo Fafard, Laura Abramsen, Ryland Alexander, Jason Truong, Palmer Tastad, George Grassick, Greyson Dubois & more…
•• Release Date: September 27, 2024
•• Country of Origin: Canada
•• Language: English
•• Filming Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
•• LulaCloud: Where to Download, English Subtitle, MKV, DOWNLOAD
•• Rotten Tomatoes: Where to Watch, Buy, Stream Movie
•• IMDB: Cast, Crew, Photos, Videos, Reviews and Ratings - 5.9/10
•• TheMovieDB: Writers, Directors, Producers, Production Companies and Movie Info
•• YouTube: Where to Watch the Official Movie Trailer