Five young trekkers and their tour guide embark on a weekend adventure in the Kollimalai hills. Despite warnings, they venture into a restricted area, unknowingly entering the domain of a malevolent spirit, which is hell bent on wreaking havoc in their lives. Did they survive the relentless onslaught and harrowing encounter with the supernatural force in the haunted woods?
•• Movie Name: Pechi
•• Runtime: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes
•• Genre: Fantasy, Horror
•• Cast: Gayathri Shanker, Bala Saravanan, Dev Ramnath, Preethi Nedumaran, Makesh, S Rajapandi, Jana, Mageshwaran, Seeniyammal, Murali Ram, Aadhirai Soundarajan, Shanthimani, Vazanth, Naattu Raja Durai, Mahesh, Raaja Pandi, Prakash, Banu Priya, Shantimani, Rangamani Swami, Baby Viola & more…
•• Release Date: August 2, 2024
•• Country of Origin: India
•• Language: Tamil — Indian
•• Filming Location: India
•• LulaCloud: Where to Download, English Subtitle, MKV, DOWNLOAD
•• Rotten Tomatoes: Where to Watch, Buy, Stream Movie
•• IMDB: Cast, Crew, Photos, Videos, Reviews and Ratings - 8.4/10
•• TheMovieDB: Writers, Directors, Producers, Production Companies and Movie Info
•• YouTube: Where to Watch the Official Movie Trailer